Phoenix Martial Arts

FMA Terminology

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FMA Terminology

Abanico - fanning strike             

Abecedario - the basics (abc’s)

Arko - twirling               

Baston - stick               

Corto - close range                    

Daga - dagger               

Dakup - to catch                       

Doce pares - 12 pairs system                

Dungab - heaven or hammer grip            

Espada y daga - sword & dagger

Gunting - scissoring

Higot - to tie                 

Hubad - to untie

Kambiada - switch hitting                                   

Largo mano - long range

Lobtik - follow through strike                   

Mano -hand                              

Olisi - stick                               

Paawas - to parry                                  

Palisut - to scoop                                  

Palusut - to pass through           

Pical - straight grip

Pluma - pen or wing block                                  

Punyo - butt of stick                              

Redondo - circular strike                        

Siko - elbow

Sinawalli - to weave

Sumbrada - umbrella block

Tapi - to parry/deflect

Witik - wrist snap strike

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